Friday, August 16, 2024

Checking In: Summer 2024

If you have young children, and it's summer, you know why I have been MIA for 2 months! This summer has been a blur of camp drop offs, pick ups, water days, wet towels, overnights, car rides, packing and unpacking, all while trying to retain our full-time jobs and not melt into a puddle of goo with 100+ degree temperatures and 90% humidity.

As usual, I have been seeking water. From creeks to lakes, if there is water, I want to be near it. (I'm not the biggest ocean fan, though, I prefer fresh water.) There is one more week until school starts, which we will be spending (surprise!) on a lake.

And if it's not water, it's flowers. You could say that this has been my most successful flower season ever in that I have sold nearly every stem coming out of my gardens. I have gone from five subscriptions in my first year to over 30, now in year three. I don't have a lot of space so this is pretty much the maximum I can handle, and it has been stressful at times to eek out the right number of bouquets each week. I have a lot of thinking to do this winter about what changes I want to make so that I don't get burnt out or resentful of my little side job.

I also finished a pair of socks; no pattern as usual, after knitting probably 50 pairs I have the process memorized and just make it up as I go along. This is 3x1 rib and the yarn is from Into the Whirled, which I got at Maryland Sheep and Wool a few years ago.

And that's my check in for now! In no time at all we'll be back to cooler temperatures, waiting for the school bus, and cleaning up our gardens for the winter.


  1. Lol at the spam message above!
    Sarah, your flowers are GORGEOUS. I love all your photos! The summers are busy with little ones, for sure!

    1. Haha, I did delete the spam, but if I ever have a relationship problem I definitely will email a random spambot for a quick fix. Only 2 more days left until school starts and we are squeezing every last drop out of this summer.

  2. Your bouquets are STUNNING. Wow. What a wonderful way to bring joy and color into the world. But I hear you on making sure you don't burn out on it.

    Yay for water -- I'm with you on preferring fresh water to oceans.

    Sounds like an amazing and full summer.

    1. Thank you! I think I have traveled more this year than any other since I've had kids. It's been amazing but I'm also looking forward to some relaxing days at home for sure.

  3. Your eye for color is fabulous, Sarah. What lovely bouquets. I hope you can figure out a way to continue on with your subscriptions. Don't underestimate the power of a joyous bunch of flowers. :-)

    1. My brother was asking me "why do you do this" the other day, in regards to my flowers, because it really is quite a lot of work for not much profit. You hit the nail on the head there, it's to spread joy and beauty, which often is reward enough!


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